I started my 1st day MCO 3.0 with a broken laptop. Merajuk maybe. It happens when i tried to register for Astra Zeneca Vaccination. At first, i used my Huawei Nova 3i to access the vaccinecovid website. Adek & Rudy also at the living hall together try to get the slot. Both of them successfully get a slot but me? eventho i am the 1st to get thru to the registration page, i couldnt get any slot at all. Tried until 12.30pm. i started to feel the stress. Nak nangis oi. Sampai adik try her very best to help me pun tak dapat. End up i try using my laptop. Chorome is not helping at all. Keep displaying error message after i struggled to tell the system that i am a human(damn..why do i need to proof myself to a computer?) Imagine the difficulties that i have to go thru just to be able to click the submit button and ends up error, or no slot avail..s**t ..haishh.. Edge pula keep saying slot full.. And the next day, laptop hanged..kaput,,work using my phone to get the approval letter to go t...
This is the story of Anizarina
This is blog about my cats, my Qaira Qaisara & Fahryan Hadi, my work and everything that i feel i want to share