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2021 post

 Hello all,

How are you? I hope you are doing well. Yes, tak sangka we have been fighting with Covid-19 dah setahun kan. A lot of things has been changed. People now started to adopt working from home. I even have been doing this even b4 Covid-19, i feel the difference because before this, i can work from coffee house, sunway lagoon(eh), anywhere je. but now, kena Stay At Home ok.

Fews things that i tak puas hati

1- why Teams kenot buat call mcm skype

2- why hp Huawei baru tak leh nk install a lot of Google application(Teams pun tak lepas wei..hadoi)

3- What can i do to improve my skill. Now i started doing Talend. I still feel byk nya benda yg i tak tau.. Best explore benda ni..haha


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