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Showing posts from August, 2010

Bubuye nak ikut Mama ....

Yesterday, i need to pick up cik abg a.k.a papa for bubuye at Bukit Jalil.well, the bus was scheduled to reach bukit jalil around 4.59 am.. Before i go to sleep that night..i still remember we (me + bubuye) watch CSI that night...i did tell Bubuye that i will bring her along with me to pick papa from Bukit Jalil. At called..alamak..cepat laa i almost forgot that i did promise bubuye that i will bring her along....Bubuye wait for me at the front door(so that i did not forgot about her) while i change my clothes(i rasa nak pakai kain batik je pi amik cik abg papa ajak sahur mana2 kang...better be prepare)...Lucikily Bubuye wait for me at the doo..if not...sure i lupa punya.. I never bring bubuye jalan2 pagi2 macam nie...She was so excited..sepanjang perjalana ke bukit jalil, Bubuye berdiri tepi tingkap....very cute to see her head ke kiri kanan..hikhik...

Bubuye and Baby

Who is Baby pulak? nie hamster my bro....a robos..last time we had a lot of robos + winter ...but now...tinggal 1 je..mmg sengaja tinggalkan sekor je... Ini adalah Baby...She is a Roborovski yang sangat comel bubuye klo masuk bilik master, dia suka sgt kaco Baby..yang Baby pulak klo nmpak bubuye..sengaja je lari sana sini dalam terowong...time kami kaco..xde laa pulak nk lari sana sini..Bubuye nie pulak jenuh laa cuba cari jalan nk tangkap Baby..hikhik..klo dia nk surrender..dia just dok je laa tpi cage tuh..hikhik rehat kejap...mana tah si Baby nie... i can see you! Bubuye = Hahahahhha....mana ko nak lari huh Baby = Anak itik berenang-renang, Tak senang!

Bubuye...kucing manja?

sometimes bubuye tak suka org pegang2 dia kalo dia klo we just reach home after keje...mmg dia nk gesel2 and nk menempek je dkt kami..manja laa kekononye...

Bubuye..kejut mama erk

Last saturday, my aunt give me a vitamin for cat because i told her Bubuye dun like to eat much.Bubuye kind of lost her apetite even i gave her ayam rebus..hurm... yesterday..bubuye mula makan banyak...i am happy to see bubuye asyik makan..before this..she never manage to finish all the kibble that i gave her..i only give her a small amount..huh..but surprisingly..yesterday..malam saja..she eat 3 time...and she also finis all the ayam rebus that i gave her..i am so happy.. well..before i go to sleep...i just let her sit next o the window..her fav spot lah tuh.. samapi usap2 dia..i cakap ' bubuye, mama takut mama tak sedar sok pagi...nnti tlg kejut mama erk kol 6.15 ' hehe..i juct ckp je..mcm bosan lak i cakap mcm tuh dengan dia..hehe... this morning...even my alart is set at 6 am..i tgk dgr...luckily bubuye mcm duduk atas my lengan and that make me wake up..huh..mujur bubuye kejut aku...last time pun dia pnh buat mcm nie..but masa tuh dia cium2 muka cut...

after kene vaksin..

This is the first night bubye kene vaksin..manja nye i tak boleh nak cakap laa...Bubuye nie toilet trained for 1st day tuh, we have to dukung dia pi toilet..hikhik

tido time....

Bubuye love to sleep with us..but now-a -days..maybe because of the temp that quite hot...she dun want to sleep with us..she want to conquer that that means..nobody can sleep there...if we try to come close and sleep there..Bubuye will get up and cari port tido lain.... kene kacau..hikhik Bubuye's fav bear(it's a koala laa) Kalau dia conquer kt sofa nie..nobody can sit there even though it is a 3 seater sofa..hampeh kan? tertido masa tgk tv(i think cite fast furios klo tak silap) Bubuye tertido kt fav spot dia..tepi tingkap!!

Bubuye...who's bubuye?

Well..i dun really like cat actually..i love to bake i fikir klo ada kucing mmg susah laa sbb takut dia membuang merata2 and the bulu.. but bubuye did change me alot and my sister. Adek(my sister) also dun really like cat..for me because i always gatal2 if got cat...mula-mula memang i gatal2 when we first had bubuye...tapi after vaccination + boh ubat kutu..i realize i kurang gatal2 dah..hehe.. now it almost 3 weeks bubuye with us....