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Bubuye nak ikut Mama ....

Yesterday, i need to pick up cik abg a.k.a papa for bubuye at Bukit Jalil.well, the bus was scheduled to reach bukit jalil around 4.59 am..
Before i go to sleep that night..i still remember we (me + bubuye) watch CSI that night...i did tell Bubuye that i will bring her along with me to pick papa from Bukit Jalil.

At called..alamak..cepat laa i almost forgot that i did promise bubuye that i will bring her along....Bubuye wait for me at the front door(so that i did not forgot about her) while i change my clothes(i rasa nak pakai kain batik je pi amik cik abg papa ajak sahur mana2 kang...better be prepare)...Lucikily Bubuye wait for me at the doo..if not...sure i lupa punya..

I never bring bubuye jalan2 pagi2 macam nie...She was so excited..sepanjang perjalana ke bukit jalil, Bubuye berdiri tepi tingkap....very cute to see her head ke kiri kanan..hikhik...


  1. hai anizarina...
    your bubuye looks like my adik....betina ye??

    do visit mine kalau nk tengok rupa twin bubuye tapi versi jantan. =)

  2. Hehe...muke diaorang nie memang saling tak tumpah kan?kan? Ha ah..bubuye nie betina....

  3. how old is Adik? Bubuye dh masuk 7 bulan lebih sikit(etimation je sbb kami pun jumpa dia...trus bawak jumpe vet) yang tentukan umur dia


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