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Bubuye dh 1 tahun!!!

well, we actually not sure how old is bubuye actually. So, kami tanya yang pakar lah a.k.a vet favourite kami iaitu Doc Intan from KJVC(KELANA JAYA Veterinary Clinic) ...

1st time call doc intan, i still remember she asked me about Bubuye. I just mention, "bubuye ni kucing kutip"..hehe.. well sebab kucing kutip, kene laa check condition before we go for vaccination. Doc Intan cakap, bawak je Bubuye, check-up free je...mebi kene deworm and ubat kutu. That day, it was the 2nd day Bubuye dengan kami. Through phone converstion, doc intan advice if nak vaksin, kene tunggu at least dia dh 5 hari dengan kita, tp for check-up, bawak je...

1st time doc intan check bubuye, she was satisfied with bubuye's condition.. "Sihat + bersih bubuye nie..." kata doc intan. Hehe, mana tak nya, papa bubuye hari 1st dah kasi mandi sama itu Bubuye and telinga semua sudah dibersihkan..hehe. Doc Intan decided to vaccinate bubuye that day sebab dia sangat sihat .. berat? 1.9x kg..ringan je kan??

i asked doc intan..bape umo this cat.. She estimated Bubuye adalah 5 bulan based on gigi yg belakang tak tumbuh lagi...ooooo.... ok lah
.klo dicalculate, bubuye dh 1 tahun 1 bulan laa sekarang..kan?kan?

Hehe, apa2 pun bubuye, kami sayang kamu sangat walaupun kamu suka buat mama marah.. :)

Ini bukan bubuye..ini adalah hiasan ..heheh...just kidding...ini dalah bubuye yang comot


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